

  • this is fantastic (but double the liquids/sauce):
  • I was diagnosed with hashimoto's hypothyroidism in the summer of 2001, when my son was a year old. In hindsight, I was probably hyper, post-pregnancy -- but c'mon! Who complains about having energy, being able to wear their jeans, etc., after having a baby? lol When I went hypo, I crashed - all the symptoms - but it still…
  • See a doctor. That type of pain may indicate early onset osteoarthritis, particularly the pain that is present when you first start moving. Running may be something that you need to discuss with a physician. I'd encourage you to try to find a non-surgical (aka: "conservative") orthopedic. Some orthopedics who are a little…
  • I have the opposite "problem" - at 8:30pm, after eating all I care to, and even drinking two beers (!!) I have 1200 calories "left" - 900 of them due to calories earned from exercise. I don't really buy the whole thing about eating too little to lose weight (try telling that to someone who is *truly* hungry and starving…
  • Hi Tammy - I'm completely new, too, and am also 37. I've always been healthy and active, but gained weight during pregnancies - esp since I also developed hypothyroidism. I had lost about 40lbs, but after a knee injury made my bad knees worse, my activity level was limited and I put weight back on. I'm now at about 185 (on…