rahholland Member


  • I have had the same issues in the past. I would drink a lot on the weekends and that would turn into eatting more. Since the New Year I have had only one drink and my snacking has improved. I try to remind myself all the hard work I have put in is not worth falling of the wagon for two days. Also seeing the numbers go down…
  • I am getting married on July 26, 2013!
  • I am getting married on july 26! So excited! I started working out in January and have not lost much but toned a lot so far. I don't really have a weight goal I just want to be healthier and more fit.
  • My mom actually picked out my dress and I love it! I already knew some elements that I wanted and this dress had them all. My mom got emotional when I tried it one and plus it fit! I could not say no!
  • Did my first 5k last year and used the C25K. I am doing it again this year and I am on week 2! I do not plan to stop running this time.
  • Hello there! I am new here myself and I totally think it is possible! It will take time and effort but in the end it will be worth it! I think you will find some great support here and also some great information. You have already made that first step! Good luck and you can totally do this!