BrendaPow Member


  • Cheese! I'm from Wisconsin, what can I say? :smile:
  • I chew gum right after I am done eating. I buy sweet gum such as the new dessert flavors that Extra makes. It helps with the sweet craving and it stops me from putting more food in my mouth.
    in SWEETS! Comment by BrendaPow June 2012
  • I wouls suggest just weighing yourself once a week, like every Wednesday as you have been doing. I found that the more I weighed myself the more frustrated I got. Measure by how your clothes fit.
  • I have read that a whole day off is difficult to make up. It is recommended that a splurge during one meal is better. I have been on Weight Watchers and it really doesn't give people a day off. It allows people to save up their points and use them all on one meal. So if you have 20 points a day and you only eat 15 points…