

  • Hi! I'm kinda new too. I've been on the site for about two weeks now. I have a couple of friends from work on too. I think it would be great to have some other "friends" to share their success and trials with.
  • I want to lose weight for me! :happy: I want look in the mirror and recognize myself again. I want to feel proud of the person I see both on the inside and out. I want to prove to myself that I'm better than the ice cream or chips, that I am worth being healthy, and that I'm strong enough to deal with life and stress with…
  • You've done great so far! I also just joined last week. I'd been doing Weight Watchers and I was just getting bored with it..... I like the site and all of the tools. I just wish I could figure out how to make it calculate my calories burned when I do weights. I just started lifting two weeks ago and to be honest it was so…