

  • Yep...I was stupid too. I think a lot of us were stupid. Now lets be smart once again!
  • If you're city has Wal*Mart (which most do, but some don't), you can buy the generic Crystal Light To-Go packs in an apple flavor. It's not too bad! Just a thought.
    in Juice Comment by amartine December 2008
  • I fell off too. But hey, the new year is RIGHT around the corner. Nothing like starting fresh! So that's my goal. New Years Day hits and I'm back at it, full swing. Too bad you didn't live in Michigan...I need a gym partner that's willing to get up at 6am too...unfortunately I haven't been able to find one yet.
  • Lets just say I eat healthy (with a few splurges here and there, but nothing major), 1200 calories a day and I exercise 3 times a week (doing 30 minutes of cardio each time, since cardio is the way to burn fat). Do you know approx. how much weight can be lost by June 2009 by eating right and sticking to this exercise plan?
  • I'm thinking about detoxing starting Sunday to clean out my body. I did some research, and it said for the first two days to drink fresh fruit juice. Does this mean if I want orange juice I have to squeeze the juice out of oranges haha or can I buy fresh juice somewhere?
  • Are there any pills that are healthy for you that you can take to help with weight loss? I'm not looking for a pill to make all of my weight problems resolved (because I am exercising and try to eat healtheir). I'm just looking for something additional that may help. Any suggestions?
  • NO BIRTHDAY CAKE. Cake is for losers, and c'mon, you don't want to be a're way to awesome for that! And you want to be able to have a piece of pumpkin pie (or other dessert) on Thanksgiving. So, DON'T DO IT! Haha, hope that helped just a tiny bit at least :laugh:
  • Try GAP. My friend Amy is very tall, but kind of triangle shaped as well haha. She buys all of her jeans from there. It's a thought :)
  • Love this site! Everyone is helpful and friendly. You post something and you're sure to get some answers back :)
  • What is a side that can go with chicken. Now I know you're probably thinking anything can go with chicken, but that's not the case this time. I'm eating at my parents bar tonight, and the only "side" we have is french fries. So I'm thinking of something (like out of a box or bag) that I can take there, and they can cook…
  • Today is the first day I am attempting to drink 8 glasses of water. This should help flush out my system, right? I haven't exercised since Saturday because I got sick early Monday morning. I still don't feel it ok to eat chicken noodle soup today, even though it's higher in sodium? Chicken Noodle soup always…
  • I loved it! Thanks for this :)
  • guys have given me lots of great ideas :) Here's to healthy alternatives...:drinker:
  • So. I have a problem. Ever since I started not eating all the time (especially cutting back on the junk food), I find myself not as hungry. Great right? Well no, not exactly. This leaves me with large amounts of leftover calories. Like today...I ordered a taco salad with light dressing. I ate literally under 1/2 of the…
  • Man, I'm glad I don't like Oreos. They sound pretty dangerous no matter what color they are haha!
  • Welcome! You'll LOVE the site :tongue:
    in newbie Comment by amartine November 2008
  • After reading everyone's posts from yesterday about those horribly bad for you Ramen Noodles, I decided to have a Lean Pocket instead. Probably could have done even better than that, but I was in a rush, so that's what I had. Thanks for the help :)
  • Are these ok to eat every now and then? I need something quick and cheap tonight!
  • Ok, so everyone has been telling me to measure my waist, hips, ect. But where exactly am I supposed to measure. Like for my waist...what is actually considered my waist haha? Is it where my pants sit on my body? And my hips... I need help:wink:
  • Thanks everyone for your support! I love you guys :)
  • Today was my weigh-in day, and I've lost 4 pounds since beginning this site, and 6 pounds since beginning to eat right! Yay :)
  • Thanks, I'm going to try this tonight when I hit the gym!
  • I'm from Michigan too! Southwest. You'll love the site...everyone here is super supportive and helpful!
  • Ok, I asked sometime last week what was the best way to lose my belly...and everyone said CARDIO. What is the best kind of cardio though? Like will the elliptical trainer for 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week be ok?
  • I know that's what I was going to have, I'm just trying to figure out how to eat all of my calories. If I just eat that and fruit, I'll still have almost 1,000 calories to eat for the day, and that's a lot.
    in Can I? Comment by amartine November 2008
  • Ok, so I have "extra" calories because I worked out. Is it ok to have both of my Lean Pockets for lunch?
    in Can I? Comment by amartine November 2008
  • Welcome :) This site is pretty amazing. You get a lot of support and motivation from everyone!
  • I need help...I thawed strips of boneless, skinless chicken breast, and put them into a tinfoil wrap with the seasonings and whatnot on it. How long to I need to bake this for?
  • I'd like to lose at least 1/2 of my goal (11 pounds) by Christmas. Is this possible? How? What should I be doing to make this goal possible. I know I need to eat right, but is there anything else I should know. Secret exercises or anything haha? Fill me in pretty please :tongue: