LisaGlen1 Member


  • I also had Pelvic Girdle Pain or Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction throughout both pregnancies, the second being far worse and starting earlier. I was convinced (and still am if I'm honest) that this was the cause, however the physios did check for any misalignment and say there is none and have dismissed this as the reason.…
  • Thank you everyone for the informative replies. I now have some more info for my next physio (Monday) and the docs appointment (12th July). If it was structural would I have felt this when I first took up running? This was years ago, not in any serious way, but was running 7-10k 2-3 times a week?! If I had to give it up…
  • No testing at all :( i'm getting quite frustrated with it all. My next step is back to doctors to insist on further testing, xrays, scans etc. The research I have done suggests the same as you found, and this was the reason for my question. Not sure why I am doing strengthening exercises when I have no evidence that this…