

  • I'm two weeks in already but I will definitely join you in September.
  • I'm on week 4 and I can't believe that I have made it this far. One more month to go!! Has anyone lost any weight/inches in the first month? Did you see better results in the second?
  • I'm in!!! I'm on day 15 and my muscles are really sore but I love it :) I'm not loosing any weight yet but I feel the inches coming off. I think month 2 is when most folks see results. Hoping for the best!!
  • I'm down!! I just started my second week of insanity.. I am doing capoeira 2 x a week as well.
  • St. Patt's day is a great mini goal I'm in. I'm shooting for 8lbs by then. I worked out this past week but i went way over my calorie count yesturday when I went out with friends. Either way i am going to continue to log my food intake and keep moving foward. I will reward myself with a new dress once I reach my St. Patt's…
  • Hi Everyone, I am getting married on June 23th 2012 and I would like to loose 20-30lbs by then. I know that I only have 4 1/2 months to do this but I know that with support and motivation that I can do this. My current weight is 185 and I would like to be in the 160's by my wedding date. If any of you would like to add me…
  • I would love to join this challenge.
  • Hello everyone! I am new to this site as well and could use some support. I'm getting married in June 2012 and I would like to drop 40 lbs. That's my short term goal. I'm pretty active but at times I need a lil push to get me going. Hopefully with the support of this sight and of friends i'll make it to my goal and sustain…