

  • Sounds like your shoes may be a big part of the problem. I would consider taking the Nikes back and going to a running store that will fit you to the appropriate shoe for your foot structure and walking style - that makes a world of a difference. Mizuno also has an app on their website that will show you how to test your…
  • Hello! Just joined this group and wanted to see how you're doing with the Lifetime Fitness 90-day challenge. Are you guys weighing in once a week? Last year, I had a trainer who emailed everyone that initially weighed in with her reminding us to email her our weights and she sent out weekly emails with tips, etc. This…
    in Week 2 Comment by linsiwalker March 2013
  • Voskos brand is really good. More protein than most brands and noteably creamier. Great for sour cream substitutions, too. Christine Avanti recommends it in her "Skinny Chics Don't Eat Salads" book and has great recipes for shakes and breakfast meals. I can only find it at Whole Foods in Dallas.…