

  • Your pictures inspired me, thank you for sharing... Amazing how 44lbs can change the way you look! I've lost 8lbs from my 39lb goal... No change yet, but hey, I did take pics today for reference in a month from now. Anyway, thank you! You are doing great and looking mah-va-lus!
  • That is awesome!!!! Thank you for sharing!!! You look amazing, you must be really proud of yourself! Congrats on coming so far on your journey! It is quite a large accomplishment!
  • Hey there, I'm committed to being active and have logged in for 11 days straight. I'm going to send you all friend requests, because I find that I like to give support as well as get it. It's the one thing that I've been missing each time I "try" to lose weight, a support system. I've already lost 8lbs with another 30 to…
  • I feel the exact same way. I've been alone trying to lose weight (roller-coaster style) - nobody to talk to when I'm in a rut or doing good, or whatever... And, I'd also like to find some friends, find some support, find people who can relate.
  • Hey - I was just getting ready to do a post about support in friendships for losing weight. I think it's helpful to lose weight and get/give support when the objectives are closer to the same. If that sounds of interest to you, or anyone else... Let's form a little group and help each other. I'm 35 and almost 40 lbs…