

  • Like others have said the 0 point fruit/veg are to help encourage you to eat more of them, but they are not unlimited f/v. WW "healthy guidelines" suggests 5 servings a day (that is what is "built in" to your daily points). When this question comes up in meetings my leader suggests sticking to the guidelines and if you are…
  • P90x was my first workout like this as well at about 210lbs. Previous workouts were walking dvd's. My 2 biggest advices would be 1. Don't kill yourself trying to keep up with him or the people in the video. Go at your pace, push yourself and your limits but don't go so hard that you want to give up. 2. It took me at least…
  • Just wanted to add another *don't give up*. If you let that comment motivate you to lose another 7, and just keep going, eventually people will notice, but if you let it get bring you down you may not get to that next 7.
  • I've done 2 rounds of P90x and Insanity, switching back and forth. Each time I've started the new round of either one, it takes me a good 6-8 weeks to see the scale start to budge. Usually during the 2nd rest week is when it really shows up on the scale. Just hang in there, give it some more time.
  • "shut the window" from my Weight Watchers leader. If you left a window open at home or your car, and it started raining. Would you leave the window open and just say "oh well, damage is already done" or would you go shut the window? When I find myself eating junk, or too much of anything I hear her voice in my head saying…
  • Well my thinking is this...my mom is doing HCG, and I'm doing Weight Watchers and MFP along with exercise (P90x). The first 6 weeks while my mom did HCG she lost 20ish lbs. Those same 6 weeks for my I was only down 5.5 lbs. But now that shes moved on to the 2nd 6 weeks, she has to maintain and not lose anything. I on the…