

  • I'm so glad I found this topic! I am 26 and was diagnosed with hypothyriodism about 6 months ago. I'm on .50mcg's of levothyroxine. I am struggling to lose weight as well :(. I am at 162 right now which is the biggest I have ever been, not pregnant! I have a 5 year old that I dropped the weight right after having, and my…
  • Thanks! I will try tea! :) I'm not a fan of diet soda at all so probably won't go that route. I'd like to kick soda completely. I never used to drink it until I had kids haha. And Kim_mc, we have the same starting and goal weights!
  • Congrats on the 20lbs! I just joined today! I'm hoping to lose 15lbs by my daughters 1st birthday(October 30th)! Good luck!