courtneyscott42 Member


  • i'm 19. i feel like an idiot because i sifted through three pages of people before i realized i'm not 20... oops ;)
  • @redheaddevotc i think i'm just going to have to prioritize. instead of going out EVERY night, i should go out 3-4 times a week and stay at home the other days and make sure i'm resting/helping out around the house. but i will definitely have to start packing food with me, or getting salad/steamed sides at restaurants (i…
  • @trblmakr23 i like your idea! i'm not much of a coffee drinker, but i could definitely walk down to our local duke station, get a tea, and take the long way home. is there anything you've found at all for suppressing appetites? or just control... i lack control ;) @msdeeb the only thing about "just doing it" is that the…