rosetta91 Member


  • So so proud of you! Your dedication to healthy, gradual, change will help you make these changes permanent - and make us all healthier through your example. Plus, your life style changes will help insure that we can both watch our great grandchildren play while we bark orders from our porch swing at 90!!
  • I agree with cwolfman13. You are probably trying to go to fast. I am doing the c25k program right now and just started week 4. (which SUCKS by the way - 4 minute jog, 1 minute walk - and 1 minute goes by VERY quickly). BUT - I barely jog when I jog. I am sooooo amazingly slow. My husband walks past me while I'm jogging. I…
  • I just started too - I'm finding that tracking all of my food is really making a difference for me. Also, when I exercise, I get to eat more. Which really helps if I want a root beer float! Even if you don't see results immediately, keep tracking so you can see how you eat, when you eat, and what your weaknesses are - then…
  • I agree! Best tracker I've ever used. Weight watchers online has nothing on this site. I am hoping it will really help me!:smile: