

  • I have the Power Walk & LOVE it!! I have been doing it for about 3 weeks now and it's fun & easy to follow. I have lost about 3 lbs while doing it but only do it 4 days a week. I also go the Cardio Blast, I tried it & thought I would die!! I was sore for 4 days and only did the first 13 minutes of it. I am going to try &…
  • Hahaha!! That just made me laugh out loud!! I needed that on a gloomy day in Alabama!! Sad part is, some nut would probably try it.....:laugh:
  • Honey, you did excellent! To even complete that thing in 30 days is a great accomplishment! I did it for a while & only stayed at level 1 for almost 3 weeks and then stopped. You might have inspired me to go back & try again!
  • OMG, forgot those little pieces of heaven!!! This topic is killllllllling meeeeeeeeeee!! I could eat a whole cow right now!!
  • Cool Ranch Doritos......they are sent straight from the devil to torture me!!! Would love to keep them out of the house all together but my boys love to take them in their lunches....lucky me......
  • True Alabama Girl!! It's not called "Alabama The Beautiful" for nothing! We have beautiful woodlands, white beaches and colorful fall mountains. The humidity is tough on some but if you live here long enough you get used to it. The whole state practically shuts down at the mere mention of snow but the kids love it because…
  • I take Super B complex with C. I noticed a huge difference in my energy levels the first day I took it. That is the one vitamin I will not do without. Try it & let me know how you feel.
  • I had this problem too & started drinking a cup of decaf. tea which made me feel full but also made me have to go too much during the night. Someone told me to brush my teeth & it would be like a signal to the brain that food consumption was over and guess what??? It has been working!!! Sounds silly but it works for me....
  • Ohhhh Yesssss, True Blood would be a good one! Eric is soooo hot!!!
  • I usually don't log general house chores b/c that is daily life however if I do something out of the norm then I will log it. I steam mopped my entire house the other day & I logged it b/c it took me over 2 hours & I did exercise moves while I was at it. I had to do some cleaning & didn't have the time to do an actual…
  • I feel the same way today but I think it's because it's cool & cloudy which immediately makes me want to bake & eat!! The hot chocolate or coffee thing usually works for me too. I have a pot of coffee brewing as I type! Good luck, just don't eat something crazy and you will be totally fine!!
  • This week: 1. Welcome to the Jungle - Guns & Roses 2. Good Vibrations - Marky Mark 3. More - Usher 4. In My Head - Jason Derulo 5. Gettin Jiggy With It - Will Smith For some strange reason I love to cool down to.....wait for it......Baby by Justin Beiber! I think I might have issues....
  • :laugh: Welcome to MFP!! Feel free to add me also. I am a mom of 2 boys and I like to joke that I have not lost my pregnancy weight youngest is 10....hahaha
  • This is so much fun!! If you are a bookworm like me you might have already guessed that my screen name comes from my favorite books The Stephanie Plum Series! I am married to the southern version of Joe Morelli b/c everytime that man is near me he just has to look down my shirt or steal a bite of whatever I am eating!! 15+…
  • Can you walk at any of the kids practices? I see tons of women walking while their kids are having football & cheer practice right now. You may be able to find a friend to walk with you & that will keep you on track even more. Just a suggestion....
  • Did you do it everyday for the 30 days or did you take any breaks??
  • Try Bob Harper's(Biggest Loser) Power Walk DVD, it has cardio then on the second mile you add weights. It has me sweating more than just about any other thing I was doing including the 30 Day Shred.
  • Hey there! I am in the same boat with you, 37 year old mom that has decided to shift the focus on myself! Add me if you would like & we can get through this together! :happy:
  • I recently had a complete hysterectomy and have found that soy supplements have really helped with my hot flashes. I will be starting estrogen in October so not sure how things will be after that.....Hopefully much better b/c as of now I am a mean, moody girl w/a 20lb weight gain!!! I have been shocked at how hard it seems…
  • I tried it & didn't like just how jittery it made me so I didn't stick w/it long enough to see results. I switched to a Super B Complex Vitamin & it seems to give me the boost I need within an hour or so. Just my opinion....
  • Way to go, that is a huge difference!! I am hoping that my girls decide to lose a little weight too and I can get into the single letters with ya!! :wink:
  • I had just gone back to work after maternity leave and was dropping my boys off at my mom's house & she told me. I stayed there a little while & watched it in horror. I cried the entire way to work while listening to the coverage on the radio. I got to work & turned in my notice. I have been a stay at home mom since then &…
  • I got beat down by some homemade chocolate chip cookies today so I feel your pain!! Oh well, tomorrow is another day & the rest of the cookies are with my sons at a party and not with me!! I must admit that I did not feel that bad, I mean, come on!! They were homemade, fresh out of the oven, chocolate chip cookies for…
  • Anything barbequed the southern way!! Football season has started & I have been shocked at the amount of fat, sugar & calories that are in any type of barbeque!! Not even chicken is safe with the sauce around here!! Cereal was a big shocker to me too b/c I love it & used to eat it all the time. Hmmmm....maybe that's where…
  • I bought the book "Fix It & Forget It Lightly" and it has tons of amazing recipes!! I have had it for about 2 years & still haven't scratched the surface with all of them.....
  • If only we could bottle that smell.....I LOVE this time of year! I have my house decorated for fall & ready to feel a chill in the air!!!
  • Sounds like you are on the right track already! I am going into my 2nd week tomorrow & so far love this site. I have never really tried hard to lose weight it just came off w/cutting back on the food a little but lordy, lordy, when you hit 35 it seems to want to stick around!! This is changing the way I view dieting and I…
    in Hi! Comment by PlumLovin September 2011
  • I caved to the candy corn.....I feel your pain!!
  • Great! I have been here for 2 weeks & must say that I am totally in love with this website! My facebook friends are messaging me wanting to know where I am! Feel free to add me!
  • Money is always a good motivator for me!! My hubby says he will let me go on a shopping spree if I meet my goal of 10lbs by my birthday which is also in November!! Good luck & keep me posted! I am sending you a friend request!