

  • Option 2 would be my choice of the two personally ... as long as you remain in your target calorie range. Less (added presumably) sugar, more protein. It has been beaten to death already by others, but both are too high in sugar/carbs relative to the protein and calories IMO. There are better choices if you are eating…
  • Agree on the acquired taste point. Good plain greek yogurt (I also don't go for non-fat, but rather 2% Fage) will grow on you. A couple tips that I used to use (occasionally still do): 1) Add a little stevia. 2) Add a little cinammon and stevia 3) Buy some vanilla or chocolate protein powder (or ready-to-drink shakes) and…
  • I would welcome you as a friend (and same goes for anybody else who replied to this thread)! The more the merrier.