katric Member


  • Half way, day 15 complete. Did 8 days on level one, planning to do 10 days on level 2 then 12 on level 3. Was hoping to see some results by now even if small but I have lost no weight and no inches. Will keep going to the end though. Interested to hear if anyone else has had results as this point in the programme.
  • Can I join? Completed day 9 today. Did 8 days of level one and started level 2 today. Found it so much harder than level 1 but don't feel like will stop me missing any days. Hubby is doing it too so neither of us can get out of it.
  • Nearly twins apart from age. Age: 36 Height: 5'5" SW:177 CW: 160 GW: 140
  • Love this idea! GW: 140-147 SW: 175 (this time) CW: 171 Height: 5'5" Age: 35 (36 next month) Female Add me if we're close.