

  • I would continue to weigh every day. I weigh every day myself. Actually, I weigh myself every time I find myself near the scale. Like you, I'm very close to a goal (although I don't have a particular date set for this goal). I have already weighed myself twice today, and I've only been up about 30 minutes. :) Good luck…
  • I just came back from a 4 week vacation myself. The hardest thing for me was not getting my normal exercise. I tried to eat within my allotted calories, and did well for the most part. There were a handful of days I didn't complete my diary, but was fairly aware of what I was eating. Then, we went to my husband's mom's…
  • That is awesome!! Keep up the great work!
  • Hey Melody!! :) :) I don't use My Fitness Coach, but I use Wii Fit. I have noticed that 9 times out of 10, I will have to fudge the number of minutes I've done to reach the calories the Wii says I've burned.