

  • Hey there! I'm there with you except I'm currently 302 and workikng to get into the 200s. been at it with MFP for about 6 weeks and am down 11 lbs. Feel free to add me. I'm happy to support and could use some myself.
  • I agree with the posts thus far. Do, indeed, make sure it is a registered dietician vs. a nutritionist. I've actually seen both. I consulted a trainer/nutritionist 2 years ago and he put me on an eating plan that was plentiful in calories and I lost 30 lbs in a year. Sadly, something changed and I gained 20lbs back. Being…
  • Increase the weight enough to bring down your reps to 8 - if you are looking to increase strength. As mentioned in previous posts continue with this cycle. Once it becomes easy enough to do 12 reps, increase weight again until you struggle to get 8 reps. This approach will give you strength and endurance. It's more…
  • You want to strive for a rep range 8-12 and sets 3-4 per exercise. Now that sets and reps are established, how much weight to use will be determined by your reps. You want the weight heavy enough to hit the range and no more. So, if you start out with weight and hit 10-12 reps for all 3-4 sets you want to make sure you…