Margarette Member


  • Try snacking on something healthy while you cook. An apple, a cheese stick, celery and peanut butter, etc. Doing this will prevent you from trying the food. i make a different dinner many nights for my fiance and this seems to help. Not to mention I have him taste it instead of me. If they give you a hard time about it…
  • I don't really know too much on this topic here but I heard circuit training is great. I just started it and am getting great results. If you are looking for simple calorie burn you should look into it.
  • Thanks so much for your help Stroutman. I actually just got back from my dr and my hormones were all out of whack. I am expecting to be back to responding to my feed and exercise. Also I love your alternative to the HRM!!! Thanks so much everyone!
  • Wow! That is a lot to take in! But it definitely helps! I was one of those women who would just give up after I didn't see the results I want. And you showing me this definitely helps! It makes me realize this is going to take time but it doesn't mean it isn't working. My exercise calories vary between 200-500 a day. But I…
  • I 100% agree with you. i have been put down by my own family for being too skinny and we are all causcasion (well italian - some don't consider this white). But if you say hey you should lose weight for your health you will get a beatdown. I was told specifically that I wasn't attractive cause I am too skinny. Or that I am…
  • MFP has me set at 1200. I usually eat my exercise calories though if i am not hungry then I don't eat them all.
  • Thanks everyone for your advice. I am planning on getting the jillian michaels 30day shred and doing that also. Hopefully this will give me enough to boost my metabolism. I was actually unaware fo the water weight gain. I always heard you lost it all at the beginning so this makes me feel better! Thank you!
  • Hi Jeffrey71, I don't have a HRM currently as we are tight on money right now but I can tell you that I am sweating during the workouts but can talk. So I think it is around 85% which as far as I know is where i want to be to lose weight. Thanks for your advice. I will definitely make sure to bring it during the workouts.
  • Oh and one more thing. My hormones seem to be going haywire. I know it takes a while to get used to the new diet but I am on birth control because i have endometriosis and well its not really controlling much if you get what I am saying lol.
  • Well I also only have about 8 weeks to slim down. I am getting married and the dress will look okay but I don't want to be self conscious on my honeymoon!!! I have been tracking my food on here and exercising but I haven't lost too much. Mostly the first week and then nothing at all since. So if you want feel free to add…
  • Hey everyone, I just started this today. W1D1. I am wondering did you all do this only 3x a week or did you do it more? I am tempted to try to do this 5x a week although I am thinking those rest days may be in there for a reason. Can I do other workouts on the off days? Thanks for your help! Maggie
  • My ribs are large for my frame. But my fiance actually has what is called an inverted rib cage. Its not dangerous but the ribs go out a little bit more and then back in to connect to the sternum.
    in Rib cage? Comment by Margarette May 2010
  • I love onion rings!!! I'll have to try this out!
  • This sounds delicious!!!!
  • This sounds delicious!!!!
  • I'm not sure how accurate this is but check this page out it has some info. Obviously it cant be too accurate cause it depends on what you are actually doing for a workout but its all I have been able to find. If you find anything else…
    in rebounder Comment by Margarette May 2010
  • This sounds absolutely delicoius!!!! It is something my fiance will love and I will be able to eat! I am definitely going to try this out! Thank you so much!
  • Hi Jenn, Welcome. Let me tell you this website definitely does help. I know you already know i am getting married as you posted on my blog but in case you forgot I am on July 3rd haha. Anyways the support here is amazing and like you have already seen everyone is always overly eager to help! So welcome to MFP and let me…
    in Finally Comment by Margarette April 2010
  • I also have been wondering this. I want a good HRM but really don't have a lot of money to spend and I have no idea what to look for ina "quality" one.
  • My fiance is the same way! Super thin and eats like mad! Maybe try to teach him about the calories and how they add up. My fiance now cooks my chicken differently then his. He is very supportive. He sees me logging in my food though so he quickly realized how all the butter adds up. He'll eat 2000 calories for just dinner.…
  • Are you still eating close to your calories? Make sure your body doesn't go into starvation mode. Also I have seen people saying that if you eat above your calories for a few days and then go back to the amount MFP tells you that this helps. I haven't tried it myself but it is something to look into. Good luck!
  • That is awesome! Remember a lot of people gain weight to begin with so no worries! Congrats! Keep up the good work!
  • Try eating peanut butter. Celery with peanut butter or on bread. It is good for you and high in calories.
  • Awesome thanks so much guys. Things seem to be going a lot better! You are all the best!:heart:
  • Hi Thinsky! My wedding is July 3rd! I am looking to get down to 100lbs for it. So I have quite the ways to go. I am not sure if I will be able to do it but we will see! Anyways congrats on your upcoming wedding! Feel free to add me as a friend! I could also use the support! The only person who I have other than this site…
  • If you do this consistently and don't eat atleast some of those calories you will actually lower your metabolic rate. Your body adapts to the deficiency in calories. This is why you should eat near the amount myfitnesspal tells you. It is also why people who crash diet gain back all their weight plus some. Your body stores…
  • Hi Ahsleigh, Don't beat yourself up! I have been there in the past. I have struggled with eating disorders and exercising compulsively. I loved to do this because I could see the pounds come off and quickly. But let me tell you I have been on this site since Saturday and I have lost 2 lbs already. And I have done it the…
    in Hello! Comment by Margarette April 2010
  • From what I know you should eat atleast some of the calories you get when you exercise. Otherwise your body goes into starvation mode and actually stores the food you eat. This was a mechnism we used to need so that we could survive when food was scarce. This is why your exercise calories are automatically added to your…
  • That is awesome. CONGRATS! I also have lost 2 pounds and I am not even through week 1! I am sure the future weeks may be more difficult but hey celebrate every little victory right? We can do this!
  • Thanks everyone! I like to eat breakfast but I work an hour and a half from where I live. So it makes it difficult. This is why I usually eat a banana and hard boiled eggs. The eggs I can make the day before and the banana I can eat in the car. I also am coming from a family who doesn't watch their weight very much and…