Anyone out there who recently gave birth?
Hi Everyone, I was just wondering if anyone is on here who recently gave birth. I just gave birth to twins on May 31st and am down to my prepregnancy weight (although I would like to lose about 15 or 20 more lbs) - I am all flab though! I have never been this out of shape in all my life. I need some serious motivation I…
Need advice please!
Hi Everyone, So I need some help. I started this program and dropped the 3 or 4 lbs within the first week. Since then I have gone up gone down but pretty much stayed the same overall (122.5). I have stayed within my calories and I have been working out a lot more this last week but nothing. My stomach at one point looked…
Feeling Hungry?
Hi everyone, So I just started this diet and find that I am feeling hungry a lot of the time. I am not talking about boredom hunger I am talking about the general hunger that builds over time. Sometimes I even feel weak. I am trying to stay low on carbs since this is usually were I gain weight. Maybe I am going to try to…
Need support!!!!
Hi all! So I am new here. I have been trying to lose weight for a while but had some health issues making it difficult to work out (asthma exacerbation). Anyways, I am better now and I am getting married July 3rd 2010!! I have 30lbs that I want to lose. I currently weigh about 130 and am 5'0"! My groom is handsome as can…