Feeling Hungry?

Margarette Posts: 69 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi everyone,

So I just started this diet and find that I am feeling hungry a lot of the time. I am not talking about boredom hunger I am talking about the general hunger that builds over time. Sometimes I even feel weak.

I am trying to stay low on carbs since this is usually were I gain weight. Maybe I am going to try to eat a little more carbs in the day. I have mostly just been watching the calories.

I know I can eat a lot of protein and veggies but then I am hungry very soon after!

Does anyone have any suggestions? What do you do to help keep the hunger away between meals?

Thanks for all your help!



  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Add more fiber to your diet?
  • miqisha
    miqisha Posts: 1,534 Member
    Carbs are not bad for you if eaten in moderation and you can eat healthy carbs...like whole grain bread or borwn rice

    Also, if I only had a banana for breakfast, I would be hungry as well.

    You need to eat more...you arent eating enough, which is why you are so hungry
  • stylistchik
    stylistchik Posts: 1,436 Member
    I just looked through your diary too. Maybe you didn't log everything but you're hungry because you don't eat!! :laugh:

    Try eating all fresh foods instead of prepackaged meals (aka lean cuisine, cafe steamers, etc.). Pay attention to your sugar intake. You can adjust this in the settings.

    And some people aren't breakfast people but I find it helpful to go heavy on the breakfast. Personally I LOVE oatmeal and have it everyday so my typical breakfast consists of 1/4 c ground oats 1/4 cup museli and 1 scoop of chia seeds (high is fiber, antioxidants and omega-3s and WONDERFUL in this combination). Then I drink half a protein shake, go running, and drink the other half. Keeps me going for quite some time.

    Good luck!
  • If I were you (if you can stomach it ) I would try porridge in the morning. It keeps you going and it isn't bad for you. If you had a bowl of porridge in the morning and a banana, it would be a better start to the day and keep you from snacking also. If your like me and hate breakfast, train yourself to like it ! I can't stomach breakfast usually but I've been trying porridge and it really works.

    Hope that helps.
  • Margarette
    Margarette Posts: 69 Member
    Thanks everyone!

    I like to eat breakfast but I work an hour and a half from where I live. So it makes it difficult. This is why I usually eat a banana and hard boiled eggs. The eggs I can make the day before and the banana I can eat in the car.

    I also am coming from a family who doesn't watch their weight very much and everything is done for convenience. And my fiance is wonderful but his metabolism is super high. I think he eats around 3000-4000 every day but only weighs 150lbs and is 5'10.

    So I am new to this whole thing for sure. We went shopping yesterday and bought more fruits and veggies but to be honest and this is gonna sound really dumb I am not sure how to cook them! haha. So I know broccoli you can steam and onions you can sautee but other than that do we just use canned veggies?

    Also any other ideas for breakfast that are fairly quick?

    Thanks for all of your help guys! It is very much appreciated!
  • amasot
    amasot Posts: 86
    One way to control hunger is to split your daily allotment of calories into 6 meals. Since you will be eating every 2-3 hours, you will maintain your sugar levels on an even keel and you won't be as hungry. Also, avoid carbs, especially simple carbs. Carbs make your blood sugar levels peak and you feel full and energetic, but a couple of hours later, blood sugar levels fall and you feel "beat" and most likely, hungry again. Keep limitless quantiies of veggies easily accessible so you can munch on them if you still feel hungry. Carrots and celery sticks and cauliflower bunches are great raw and are a very healthy snack
    Make sure you get enough vitamins. Your weakness may be due to a lack of proper nutrition. Take at least one multivatamin per day. Personally, I take Centrum Select. It has all the vitamins and minerals I need in case I don't get them from my food.

    Most important: Remember, this is supposed to be a journey towards a healthier, happier life nor a race to lose weigh. Eat healthy, exercise with something you love to do, be happy and the weight will come off!

  • amasot
    amasot Posts: 86
    Thanks everyone!

    I like to eat breakfast but I work an hour and a half from where I live. So it makes it difficult. This is why I usually eat a banana and hard boiled eggs. The eggs I can make the day before and the banana I can eat in the car.

    I also am coming from a family who doesn't watch their weight very much and everything is done for convenience. And my fiance is wonderful but his metabolism is super high. I think he eats around 3000-4000 every day but only weighs 150lbs and is 5'10.

    So I am new to this whole thing for sure. We went shopping yesterday and bought more fruits and veggies but to be honest and this is gonna sound really dumb I am not sure how to cook them! haha. So I know broccoli you can steam and onions you can sautee but other than that do we just use canned veggies?

    Also any other ideas for breakfast that are fairly quick?

    Thanks for all of your help guys! It is very much appreciated!

    Eggs are a GREAT food for breakfast or any other meal. You would do better if you replaced the banana with an orange or another fruit with vitamin C (grapefruit, kiwi, strawberries etc). If you want variety, you can make a light sandwich on rye bread or a roll in a whole wheat tortilla with boiled light ham and a Laughing Cow light cheese wedge or two, pickles if you like or any other low fat condiments. The rolls are great. You can make a bunch ahead, wrap them individually in plastic wrap, keep them in the fridge and just grab one for breakfast and eat it on the go. They'll still taste great 2 and 3 days later. If you want them warm, you can nuke them for a few seconds and eat them.

    My favorite way to eat veggies is to stir fry them in just a little olive oil. Make sure the pan is hot before adding the chopped up veggies, otherwise they will absorb the oil. You can add chicken chopped in small pieces or beef or even shrimp and make a meal of it.

    Veggies are great grilled too. Cut them up in large pieces, salt and pepper them, brush them with a little olive oil and grill them until they are done but not burnded. All sorts of vegetables can go on the grill... peppers, tomatoes, eggplant, zuccini. even asparagus and broccoli.

    I'm sure you can find TONS of great vegetable recipes if you do a search on the net!
  • stylistchik
    stylistchik Posts: 1,436 Member
    as for cooking the veggies you can cook almost any veggie any way. boil them, broil them, roast them, saute them, eat them raw. An easy way to add veggies is just to cut them up and add them to what you're already making. Check out the Hungry girl cookbooks or website (hungry-girl.com) they have TONS of quick easy diet friendly recipes based on foods you already know and love. And she describes them as 'food assembly' not really 'cooking' so its great even for the cooking challenged like me!!
  • You can boil most things, I'd recommend boiling rather than canned veg - loads more vitamins ! Things you can boil: Carrots, Broccoli, cabbage, sprouts, peas. Evvverything :-) (I eat raw cabbage but I'm strange)
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    I usually start the tone of my day by what I eat for breakfast. I generally have either peanut butter or egg and turkey bacon on a sandwich thin with milk for breakfast. Then I have a piece of fruit about an hour to an hour and a half before lunch. I find I don't feel like snacking if I keep myself full on good healthy foods.
  • Margarette
    Margarette Posts: 69 Member
    Awesome thanks so much guys. Things seem to be going a lot better! You are all the best!:heart:
  • This method has worked for me and last week I lost 3 lbs. Total of 26 lost since November 16th, 2009. So I am living proof and this past week from Monday to Monday (I weigh in on Monday only) I ate 2 fresco beef tacos from taco bell and I had 1 suggested portion of Peppridge Farm Triple layer fudge cake and 1 serving of ice cream with it and still lost the 3 lbs. It is about eating your suggested number of calories so that you are eating enough. According to the Biggest Loser if you cut your calories too low your body will start to store food as fat. I eat about 1570 for my weight 216 and height 5 ft 6 in. Most times I am at the mark or just a few over or under. It is what my body needs to lose weight. Want to know more just ask me. If you look at the suggested number of calories from this site and eat that many or just a little more along with exercise you will do well. Do not do a FAD diet like weight watchers, Jenny Craig, South Beach or Atkins etc. Do a lifestyle change that is really what you need to do. Learn how to eat all kinds of food. You will feel much more full and less likely to binge on the foods you do love. One thing that I can tell you is PROTEIN PROTEIN PROTEIN and less Carbs yes but do not throw out all carbs. I also ate rice and Mac & Cheese. I used to think that those suggested serving sizes on the package or box were for kids but now I realize that eating that much will fill me out. Also use a lot of salad (Spinach more then lettuce) and green veggies and fruits in your meals too. Good Luck. I hope this helps. Too Few calories and you wont lose...Too Many and you wont lose...It is about eating just enough to lose!
  • Only a banana for breakfast is a bad idea. You need to eat more calories in the day and less as the day goes on. you should have protein protein protein. a much more filling meal is 9 grams of protein or more which will help you stay fuller longer. If you have a carb loaded meal, you will feel full but the fullness will wear off quite quickly and you will be hungry sooner. (Hence why Chinese makes you hungry after 2 hours). That whole thing about Low Fat and eating less does not work. You screw up your Metabolism if you do not eat enough cause then your body goes into survival mode. Good Luck.
  • I usually start the tone of my day by what I eat for breakfast. I generally have either peanut butter or egg and turkey bacon on a sandwich thin with milk for breakfast. Then I have a piece of fruit about an hour to an hour and a half before lunch. I find I don't feel like snacking if I keep myself full on good healthy foods.

    This is one of the best ideas I heard and agree with. Great protein in the egg and turkey bacon. Good job there! Peanut Butter also a great source of protein!
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