Need support!!!!

Margarette Posts: 69 Member
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
Hi all!

So I am new here. I have been trying to lose weight for a while but had some health issues making it difficult to work out (asthma exacerbation).

Anyways, I am better now and I am getting married July 3rd 2010!! I have 30lbs that I want to lose. I currently weigh about 130 and am 5'0"! My groom is handsome as can be. Really - even though I am biased. And I want him to be floored when he sees me!

My family tends to be pretty heavy and we have a hard time losing weight. So this will prove difficult for sure. Anyhow anyone who can offer any support it would be greatly appreciated!! Including on anything on this site that you all found particularly helpful?

I have always wanted to start running but with the asthma never really could. i am definitely gonna try to start. Any Advice?


Nice to meet you all and Good luck to everyone!



  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    Congrats on your upcoming marriage! I too struggle with asthma (only in about the last 2 years) and hadn't been able to run due to asthma/other injuries. I recommend you look into the C25K's a 9 week program that takes you from being sedentary to running a 5K. It eases you into running and is definitely a good program for someone who suffers from asthma. I'm currently finishing it and am running a 5K tomorrow.

    Feel free to add me for support/motivation!
  • seesylrun
    seesylrun Posts: 22 Member
    It is definitely hard to get a cardio workout in when you have asthma problems. Hopefully you have it pretty much under control before starting ANY kind of workout program.

    You said you were interested in starting to run. I LOVE the Couch to 5K program!! It's a program that slowly builds up your running stamina and easy to follow. You can google it and tons of sites will pop up. If you have an iPod, iPhone, etc. you can also find a great podcast on iTunes. The one I follow is called "Podcasts for Running" by Robert Ullrey. It is excellent.

    Good luck to you and congrats on your upcoming nuptials. :)
  • I'm a week into this website and love it! What is helpful and fun to me is that I can plan my meals ahead of time, especially for tomorrow, by looking through the database of foods and figuring out what I can eat to keep myself within the calories limit. If I log it into my diary and add those foods ahead of time, then I am more apt to stick to it by looking and reminding myself.... oh yea, THAT's what I'm eating today! Good luck to you.
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    I agree that C25K is the way to go. Last month I couldn't walk around the block without gasping for air, and I just walked/jogged for 50 minutes straight today! The most I can jog at a time is 4 minutes, just hit that milestone today, but when I first started I could barely do a minute!
  • Margarette
    Margarette Posts: 69 Member
    I definitely am going to do that couch to 5k. That looks awesome! Thank you so much for suggesting it!

    For those with asthma have you noticed that it has improved since you started running or got worse?

    Thanks again!!!
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    awesome! Just keep in mind that the schedule id flexible.

    I did week one for 2 weeks because I couldn't do it yet. Once I could do the whole thing COMFORTABLY, THEN I tried week 2, and had to do that one 4 or 5 times, I have done week 3 for the third time now, but NO WAY am I ready for week 4. I just managed my first 4 minute run today and week 4 has two 5 minute runs in it!
    SO, it will take me a LOT longer than 9 weeks to run 30 minutes straight, but I am already feeling WAY better than I was a month ago!
  • ZulyC
    ZulyC Posts: 19
    Congratulations on your upcoming marriage :) I just started on this site, too. I have 25 pounds to lose, and I'd like to do it by my 40th birthday on June 25th, so our goals are pretty similar. I'll add you as a friend for support. We can do this!
  • I am also working at losing the next 30 pounds.
    I have already lost 32 pounds on WW.
    I am now using this site and loving it.
    Let's do it together.
    Are you with me?
    WE can do this!!!

  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    I wouldn't say my asthma has improved. C25K helps ease you into running, so you can focus on breathing properly and not "oh *kitten*, I can't run 1 mile right now" but you can surely run 1 minute to start :) Asthma is definitely more controlled easing myself into the running. Well usually, it's been a beast for me this week because I have a chest cold that is killing my lungs and making breathing hard for me in general. Just give it a try!
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