

  • Depending on your weight it can happen fast. What has helped me is to incoporate cardio into my weight training, and I train with weights pretty hard. I do 1 rep then 60 seconds of mt climbers, one rep of weights then a set of box jumps, one rep of weights and push ups one rep and jumping jacks or jump rope. I never step…
  • On demand has free Jillian Michales sessions, they will give you a great workout. Otherwise go onto pinterest and look up some of the at home workouts. It's usually jump squats, lunges, burpees, push ups, mountain climbersand things like that. You don't need a gym to get fit, your own body weight works great. The more you…
  • No way! That is a recipe for disaster, there is no reason to be hungry all the time. I love to work out and for me I hover in the 1500-1700 calorie range and maintain pretty easily. They days I work out more I eat more the days I work out less I eat less, your body will tell you what you need. I don't keep anyting in my…
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