emmajoy_21 Member


  • I was prescribed phentermine at the beginning of June this year. I didn't go to my doctor with the intention of getting diet pills, I just wanted any kind of help she could provide. I was bingeing every night, and I had completely lost control over my eating. I weighed in at 131.8kg; it's been about 10 weeks and I have…
  • I'm going to be a bridesmaid in September 2014 for one of my closest cousins and just yesterday my best childhood friend announced her engagement, but that won't be for a couple of years. Nevertheless I'm starting now because I have alot of weight to lose.My cousin, the bride for the first wedding, is also losing weight so…
  • Thankyou everybody, I guess I really just need to focus on the now and try not to get caught up in what is still to come. I think because I've given up so many times before I'm finding it really hard to believe that I can actually succeed if I change my thinking. For now I'm going to focus on being really aware of my…
  • My goals for April are: - Continue with and complete 30DS - Eat no chocolate until I reach my next mini-goal - Lose 5kgs. - Keep drinking 3L water a day
  • Just imagine how terrible you are going to feel in a month or so when you start putting the weight back on. All you will think about was how close you were and you just let it go. A couple of bad choices isn't going to affect you that badly, just pick yourself up and keep plodding along.
  • Hi, I'm Emma. I'm 20 and I live on the North Coast of NSW. Feel free to add me, would be great to have some Aussie friends :)
  • Hi, I'm 20 and about to go into my third year of uni (I live in aus). I'm living on campus and I'm a bit worried about it's going to affect my weight loss.... so much alcohol and terrible food and generally slobbishness. However, I have a couple of friends who are planning on using 2013 to get fit so atleast I have them…