nainai0585 Member


  • I buy this stuff all the time, and I'm the one calorie counting lol. Our house is full of chips, candy, chocolate, cookies, etc and I buy it bc I enjoy a bowl of chips once i a while and so does my family. Self control is the key to not going back to were you where or were you don't want to be,
  • That's what my husband and I are doing now. No need to worry about gym manners when your the owner of the "gym" lol.
  • When I first started to loose weight I had myself set at 1500 calories a day and eating back work out calories only because that was what a friend was doing. Within a few weeks I changed it to 1200 calories and not eating back exercise calories because that was what I wanted to do. After 8 weeks I had lost 20 lbs while…
  • Is this a new rule that NO ONE can have an opinion on any board on this site? 'You must eat crap cookies' is a negative OPINION on a success board, and according to you and a few others, that is NOT ALLOWED. lol. BTW, good for you for feeling better about yourself for eating cookies.
  • Nah, skinny feels 10x better then cookies taste, IN MY OPINION. Also, OPINION BOARD. Simply said.
  • So an opinion, on an opinion board, is not permitted unless that opinion agrees with the original opinion/premise? Maybe instead of attacking someone for their OPINION, accept the fact that people WILL disagree with you, no matter what your opinion is. There will be people who agree and disagree with anything and…
  • prenatal multivitamin and a prenatal DHA - first trimester and first time keeping myself healthy during a pregnancy (this includes my weight). Otherwise I would not be taking anything.
  • Its VERY sad that you needed to write this. Too many adult "children" and not enough adults on this board, in my opinion. Thank-you for this post (no sarcasm either)
  • 5'7" and my current weight is 137lbs and I am slowly gaining to 140 lbs (due to glucose levels increasing and the advice from fellow members here). I have just entered maintenance and have been increasing my calories by 50 for the past 2 weeks. I was sitting at 1500, I'm now at 1600 with a plan of increasing to 1700-1800…
  • I am 5'7", late twenties, and started at 195lbs in March, 2013. I plateaued between 141-145 lbs from Sept. 2013 - Jan. 2014 and have just recently (within the past week) broke the plateau and am now 137lbs. I eat roughly 1500 calories, sometimes more, sometimes less depending on how busy I am with my kids. I eat what I…
  • Obviously put yourself at maintenance calories if you haven't already. From all the research I have done on this subject, the common trend is to increase the calories by 200 in the second trimester and 300 in the third. As all mothers know, the baby is a leech and will take from you exactly what it needs, so there's no…
  • 1) The mirror - I LOVED the moment I could finally see an actual bum, not just a flat pancake!! 2) Complements/being hit on - though my husband complements me often, its been since high school that someone actually hit on me. 3) Motivating others/Others motivating me - After family members started seeing my results, 3 of…
  • My friend is in the same camp as you on this one, though that lucky duck has not experienced the sagging and sudden aging that comes with pregnancy and breastfeeding. The scaring alone from the lift is enough to deter me. I have seen the before and after photos and IMO, would rather put up with the sagging, but then again…
  • I found your points to not only be informative, but very well thought out and helpful too. Your points where also made on some of the breast augmentation forums I was lurking on earlier in the month. Thank-you.
  • Where is the Like button when you need one :)
  • VERY informative, thank-you
  • What about later on, will you need to have them replaced or some other surgery for the breasts?
  • Being a DD throughout my late teens and twenties until this year when I lost the weight and am now a saggy D, I know what you mean about the perkier smaller breasts. A very good childhood friend of mine has always been an A/small B and they still look fantastic - lucky duck. What's the point in the surgery if you loose…
  • "^^^^ This alone would deter me. $5,000 every 10 years or $500 per year, $41.66 per month.... for life~~~ So this is another payment on top of cars, on top of a house, etc. Curious what happens if you do not replace in 10 years? What happens if you just want them out? [/quote]" That's a lot of $ to spend for the rest of…
  • ah poop really? I'm sorry for making you think of your sister's breasts, but how do they move differently from natural breasts? I really love the look of a woman who has that slight bounce at the top of her breasts when she walks, I think it looks fantastic and I can see from the men around me, that they enjoy it too.…
  • ah poop really? I'm sorry for making you think of your sister's breasts, but how do they move differently from natural breasts? I really love the look of a woman who has that slight bounce at the top of her breasts when she walks, I think it looks fantastic and I can see from the men around me, that they enjoy it too.…
  • I'm 28 and done having kids...and made sure of it too! lol After 4 pregnancies - 2 biologically mine, 2 Gestational surrogacies and another surrogacy in Jan. 2014 as well as breastfeeding my 2 and pumping for the other 2, my breasts have been through the ringer. I have no hope that they will perk up unfortunately and I…
  • I've made the official move like so many others to Alberta, sorry :( I was originally thinking Toronto, since I read a lot of reviews about some of the plastic surgeons there doing fantastic work verses the ones here in Edmonton and Calgary, but I have 2 years or so to do A LOT of research and consultations, then make an…
  • :love: I love this comment
  • lol I aim to please :bigsmile:
  • My husband would agree with you as well, but unfortunately he is not the one looking in the mirror everyday at them. All he sees are "fun bags" (his term, I swear!!) But I HATE how the skin wrinkles and bunches up due to the excess skin and less fat in them and I HATE how they droop - I'm deeply concerned I will have…
  • That is a VERY wise decision to step back :) lol edit: had to separate the smiling face and the lol - it just didn't look right.
  • I'm leaning towards an augmentation but cannot do so for another few years due to finances (I need to save $ and I've seen quotes for $7000 + here in Canada). How was the scaring and healing time? was it minimal? A breast lift doesn't appeal to me due solely to the lollipop scar.