seems as if we both replied to runnergirls at the same time :D ha
all added!
thank you!
feel free to add me!
I added you, any extra support is always a plus! :)
i was a 42D, now a 38D after 42lb weight loss. I do have about 100 lbs more I want to lose. I Really dont want to lose too much. I don't mine going down to a C, but any smaller, im afraid of what they will look like. >.>
My mom does the same thing, but lately she's been eating away from me. She'll go out and have a meal and not bring anything back. I think it really comes down to have a bit more self control, and having him truly see what's best for you as well! :D My boyfriend was the same way. I gained 65 pounds in a year! Now im paying…