

  • So correct me if I'm wrong, but your using MFP to make sure your eating the right amount rather than wanting to loose weight? If this is the case you need to do some calculations. Staying at the same weight means calories burnt and calories consumered are equal. If you burning 2500 calories at the gym, even if it is an…
  • Atkins is good, don't get me wrong, thats how I lost my weight. But how is your doctor and nutritionist happy that your diet is mainly saturated fat? Is true that you need everything in moderation, but I would have thought they would be concerned that your diet is high is saturated fats? I am!! ??
  • Personally I would cut out sugar from other parts of my diet, OJ isn't just sugar it has soooo much goodness associated with it, it much better to cut out some carbs such as bread, pasta or sweet if you are allowed them!!! :) It one of your daily portions (but only 1, having 2 glasses doesn't count as 2 portions!!) Doing…
  • I agree, people seem to be scaremongering, in the 3 years it took for me to get my nutrition degree, I don't recall any of the professional lectures saying that more than a 30% calorie intake from protein will kill you!!! I have mine so that most of my calories coming from fat and protein because I lost a lot of weight by…
  • Im from the UK too and have been to America. Few things: - If you are eating out the portion sizes are much much much smaller. - the salads in some places don't even come with dressings!!! - things like mcdonalds are the same size, well the burgers at least, I believe the fries (as you call then) are smaller over here. -…
  • I agree, it's better to edit others than add your own. Although this is a late comment and it seems that you have all the information you need, it does appear that your food are not correct in the sodium levels, and if you are eating mainly packaged foods then your sodium is more than likely higher!! The information that…
  • As mentioned above, it's the very base amount of calories you need to live. The BMR is what you need to consumer if you wanted to maintain your weight, IF you were LYING IN BED ALL DAY. Please don't mistake this for the amount of calories you need to consumer to maintain your weight now, as you need more because your not…
  • Hi sexy21 The best thing that I've got from atkins is that it has changed the way I view meals. Very carbs, lots of protein, lots of veg!! In the evenings I try and stick to just meat and veg, especially when I'm not doing anything in the evening. This isn't cutting carbs out of the meal completely but just having carbs…