

  • I am going to start Monday. I started Thursday and immediately have had weather and snow. Plus I started a squat challenge and my legs were killing me. So Monday is fresh start with day 1 again. Weather will not stop me again. Woo-hoo!
  • Howdy! Denver here. I am down to the last 10 pounds I want to lose. I was on MyFoodDiary and joined MFP also. But I used MFD most and just now have come back here. I am faithful about logging and my exercise altho I don't talk a whole lot in the forums. But I read everything.
  • I am getting started with this also. I downloaded several free apps and trying to decide which I like best. Fell free to add me as well. I regularly ride my bike and hike but I have friends who have been bugging me to start running. So here I go.
  • Denver here. I promised I would ride my bike down to 20 degrees this winter so I am quite annoyed with the storm coming. Oh well!