taqefu Member


  • According to what I've read so far, cracking knees do not necessarily mean injury. I've had a meniscus surgery 6 months ago and sometimes my knees crack like crazy. I couldn't do my usual strenght training for a period of about 4 months before/after surgery and lost a substantial amount of muscle in my thighs and…
  • I did the P90x yoga video today (90 mins). My HRM says I burned 210 kcals in that time, so that would approx. match MFPs numbers. It sure felt like I burned more, but then again your heart rate doesnt go up very high during yoga, even when youre doing difficult poses. I guess, those low numbers might be quite correct.
  • Hi, I hate to make you feel bad, but that sounds exactly like the type of pain I've been experiencing the last weeks. I got a MRT last week, and turns out I did rip my meniscus :-( Now I'm gonna get an appointment for surgery :-/ If you ripped your meniscus as well, you're going to need a surgery. There's no way a broken…
  • It's going to be better in a couple of weeks. I switched from a relatively carb-high diet to high protein/high fiber and had the same problem for quite a while. Eventually my body got used to my new food choices and the problem disappeared completely. Just give your body some time to get used to it. You might try flax seed…
  • It's not like your body had some magic reset button, that resets your calorie needs everyday at midnight. So, yes, you can do that. Many people here (including me) watch their weekly caloric intake instead of their daily allowance. The MFP android app even has a feature for that. Depending on the number of exercise cals…
  • For eating out, I'd just apply the same rules as in your home country: You'll probably find salads, lean meat and other healthy options on almost every menu (might be a little harder in 'typical' restaurants aiming at tourists though :-). Portions are generally smaller than in the US, and when you're visiting a restaurant…
  • Hi, that's no problem, you can adjust the length of the strap. I have the FT80 for men. It fits fine, although the watch looks huge on my wrist (but then again, my wrists are really tiny).
  • Another vote for interval training! It's more fun and will get you better results. If you can focus on stuff like magazines, tv shows and the like, you're not working out hard enough. You should spend your time at the gym getting the most out of your workout. Endless sessions of half-hearted cardio are not going to get you…
  • Free weights are way more efficient for strength training, but they are a little more difficult to use - for the same reason: While doing free weights, you workout a lot more muscles than with a machine because your body needs to stabilize the movement. For example, when you're doing squats you don't only train your legs,…
  • Whatever you can handle - start with it and work your way up. There's no "lowest limit". Every single bit you do is better than not doing anything. Also, I think the instructor didn't set a baseline he was expecting you to meet. He must have been sort of testing out what you could and what you couldn't handle, in order to…
  • Hey Cornwallis, please DON'T feel intimidated. I can tell you one thing: Nobody in a gym cares about other peoples workouts. They're occupied with their own workouts, their own progress or the spots of their bodies they want to improve. (No matter how fit or toned or muscular somone is: they all have something they want to…
  • I don't agree with all the posts saying, "rolling over calories" is a bad thing. You should look at your caloric intake on a larger perspective, say, weekly. Just make sure to do your math and not just estimate your weekly intake. I am maintaining my weight for over a year now. I exercise 2-3 times a week (strength and…