

  • It's because you are much smaller. I'm 5'11 and weigh around 170. My HRM tells me that I burn around 400 calories. So, I'd say that your HRM is correct. The smaller you are, the less calories you will burn.
  • Who cares where they work out? I mean, at least they ARE working out. There is an obesity epidemic in this country and more than HALF of our citizens don't do ANY kind of exercise. They can exercise while standing in a litter box for all I care. At least they are doing it. :)
  • This is the most accurate way of describing how many of us feel after losing weight of that magnitude. I myself have lost 85 pounds in the last 4 years. It is a TOTALLY different world now that I am thin. It is so strange to me because I am still the same person on the inside that I was before.... The sad truth is that…
  • "You never have to be the fat friend again." Words to live by. I used to be the fat friend and got tired of being "that girl". I did something about it. 4 years later, I am 85 pounds lighter. Those words have always stuck in my head.....
  • going to a running shoe store is an excellent idea. I did that and found that I tend to under pronate when exercising. Since I found that out, I know that I need a shoe with a lot of cushion support. It is very valuable information to have. Once you determine your running/walking style, you will be able to search for shoes…
  • I'm 40 and no kids! I might want to someday, but I'm fine with it if I don't. I like things they way they are! :) I just sent you a friend request, BTW.
  • Here ya go! I have been working on my fitness for nearly four years. It takes TIME to do it the right way, but it will stay off! In March 2008 (pic on the left), I weighed 248 pounds. In August 2011(pic on the right), I weighed 180. I have lost another 10 pounds since then :) Uploaded with
  • Here ya go! I have been working on my fitness for nearly four years. It takes TIME to do it the right way, but it will stay off! In March 2008 (pic on the left), I weighed 248 pounds. In August 2011(pic on the right), I weighed 180. I have lost another 10 pounds since then :)
  • Make sure you eat the full 1500 calories. Myfitnesspal will say that you CAN eat more than the 1500 if you burn extra calories exercising. However, I don't do that. I eat the 1550 that I am allocated. I don't throw on an any extra calories that I burn. Does that make sense?