Oscbena Member


  • With the little information you have posted, and without knowing your measurements (height, weight, and age) it sounds to me that you are not eating enough calories. As crazy at it sounds, when you are at too much of a caloric deficit, your body goes into starvation mode and it starts trying to save as much fat and as many…
  • There are many good DVDs out there that can give you great results. Which one is best for you will depend on many factors like current level of fitness, how much time do you plan to devote to the workout and what are your fitness goals (more weight loss, toning, muscle building, etc). I can only speak about what I have…
  • Those are good numbers. Much better than mine when I first started Insanity. Keep it up. You will love your results.
  • Hello, I've been using MFP for a few months now, but I have not been an active memeber in the coummunity. I would like that to change. I would love help staying motivated and motivating others to stay on track and achieve their goals. I've achieved some of mine, but now I have new goals. Thanks in advance :)