DebMc150 Member


  • I get a Rotisserie Chicken from Sam's once a week. take the skin off - it is the best part (but fatty) but the rest of the chicken is great. I put it in zip bags. When I am packing my lunch or dinner I just pull a bag out. Add it to a chinese vegetables La Choy - you can get a can if you don't do fresh veggies and stir or…
  • Good Morning Monday! Today - I am going to make it to my Deep Water class! This was actually a December Goal to attend the classes that had made it to my calendar! I just got back on track this weekend - found the message boards - and decided it is time! I have gotten rid of 150 lbs over the years - and need the last…
  • December Goals! Get reorganized Make it to the Gym that made it to my calendar Do a little treadmill in my basement daily Invision Success!
  • I am new to the postings segment of MFP. Not so much the losing weight part. But today is a new day and a new month. I hope I am doing this correctly. . .anyway - I deleted all my history and I am starting this over - today is a new day! I am not going to loseweight as when you lose something you usually find it! I have…
  • I am not really new to MFP - it helped me stay on track for a long time. The best way to keep weight off is to TRACK! I got a way from it for a while - the weight started to creep up again! This is the first time I found my way to the Message Boards - so I would like to get more active and read more posts. So, I am new to…