

  • After a lot of research and trial and error (from GNC to LifeExtension brands) I take fish oil from Xtend-life.They use Hoki tuna with no fishy aftertaste and they have the highest ratio of DHA to EPA that I have found out there. It has 600mg of DHA per 2000mg dosage. "DHA is taken up by the brain more readily than any…
  • Sorry for the context of the previous post, (while posted with tongue in cheek) however I was in reference to bone density. From an article found online: "A study published in a 1998 issue of "American Journal of Clinical Nutrition" examined the effects of weight loss on 14 obese women. The study found that, although the…
  • The body takes some time to adjust. First it has to shrink your bones since the body is preparing for less weight due to fewer calories. Bones take a long time to shrink and the body hesitates at this point since it takes a lot of work. It wants to make sure you're serious. Once the bones shrink you will drop weight and…
  • I read that you are supposed to drink half your body weight in ounces. So if you weigh 180 lbs. and take half your weight which is 90 lbs., then you should drink 90 ounces of water per day. Also, after about 3 weeks, the peeing need goes away as your body gets used to the increase.