You look awesome, Congrats and Goodluck!
Being think is def a good thing. Like everyone says it just means you have nice curves. YOU GO GIRL! lol
Id Def say eat. Not gonna hurt you at all. You have a 5k tomorrow!
Work Out Plan by Kanye west it always gets the blood boiling!
Being an anatomist and very in depth with the study of the human body, I agree with the first couple of posts. 100 resting is extremely to high . average is min 70 - max 90......100 is extremely high. With exercising and your heart rate at 185-200 is extremely high, that is Heart Attack/stroke level. I would say see the…
I have a degree in this stuff and studies have shown that ab workouts actually shrink your core and tighten it up. Believe it or not cardio also helps to shrink the core. Of course its not going to spot reduce it, but it helps tremendously. Circuit training is the best for the core thats I suggested the 1 minute intervals.…
At the end of your workouts everyother day, you should do abs. Try and switch up the routine with them, Ive found previously that this works better. For instance one day do weighted ab work and the next just do your basic crunches, situps, and bicycles. Also do tons of cardio because it helps to burn off the belly fat.…
You should only check your weight once a week. Your body usually fluctuates between 3 and 5 pounds do to water in your system and also changes in your workout. Make sure your only weighing yourself when you first wake up in the morning before you put anything in you body. Also for the bloating and constipation you should…