

  • Day six has been done, but day seven isn't happening as my brother is asleep and I'd wake him up (wooden floors carry the sound of jumping jacks haha). I might do two lots over the weekend to catch up maybe...
  • Day five done! Day six is today. :)
  • Finished level one day four yesterday and looking forward to getting day five in the bag today. :)
  • I had to skip a day since I did something to my left leg and couldn't walk normally - I was sort of doing a limp/shuffle kind of thing. :( And work the next day was ten hours, so... But today, I worked ten hours (with a twenty minute break). Got home, and really really didn't want to do it...but I did. :D Level 1 day three…
  • Day two is doneskies! Was a bit tight when I woke up but not too sore...until after anyway. Tiger balm to the rescue!
  • I'd like to join in a little late if you all don't mind. :) Day one complete, although like everyone else the lunges kill me. Those side lunges - phew! Oddly enough the jump rope too - hurts along the back of my knees. Looking forward to that easing up a bit. >_>
  • Yup, I'm 24 and have hyper-extended knees. In my case they've just always been like that, although I think it's most commonly caused through injury? Last time I talked to a doctor about it they basically said I need to make them last until I'm fifty, then can have surgery/knee replacements which should (hopefully) see me…