jayrey72 Member


  • If you mix it with milk, for example, you'll be taking in maybe 180-200 calories a day. You need to be consuming around 500 calories for breakfast in order to rev up your metabolism. You take in less than 400 calories for breakfast, you're slowing down your metabolism. Nothing wrong with any kind of shake - Visalus or any…
  • Sodium intake is definitely something to watch. Also, make sure you're drinking lots of water. If your water intake is too low, your body will retain water to protect itself. Your exercise looks good, so you might be building some muscle as well. I know that after I exercise pretty good, I ALWAYS will weigh more the next…
  • If you consume a lot of sodium, your body will retain water. Even if you consume lower calories. There's lots of people in the normal weight range that have heart attacks and strokes. My uncle is a cardiologist, and he sees it all the time. What's the point of losing weight, feeling better, and looking good on the outside.…
  • Your kidneys are screaming at you. Drink tons of water. High sodium intake = lots of water retention. Binge eating like that, rapid water retention, and then rapid weight loss is also hard on your heart.
  • Eat bran buds for breakfast. Make sure you drink TONS of water afterwards. Bran buds contain psyllium and tons of fiber - and that will clean your system and not your wallet.
  • Keep going!!!!
  • Tigersworld, if you are 600 calories deficient for that day, you might not gain weight from eating a Big Mac, but you're not doing yourself any favors from all the other bad stuff (bad fats, cholesterol, and who knows what else is in that "food"). Not to mention over 1000 mg of sodium. Sodium leads to water retention,…
  • Read the 17 Day Diet, Atkin's Modified, and my mother is a registered dietitian. So I scoured all of my resources about this. First, not all carbs are equal. Whole foods (non-processed) carbs are very good for you. And you NEED fiber if you want to lose weight. So essential. Also, don't believe the hype about not eating…
  • Don't fear the fruit in sugar!!! Fresh fruit has so many benefits - they pack a nutritional punch that your body needs. It would take A TON of fruit for you to consume to be considered unhealthy. Eat a serving of fruit with every single meal. Fruit also helps keep you hydrated. If you're not hydrated, you won't lose…
  • Yup, been there! Our bodies are champion of adaptation. That's why doing all kinds of different activities confuses the body, and you will hopefully avoid some of the plateau effect. But as you're losing weight, that puts a lot less stress on the heart. And it takes a little less effort to do activities. For example, after…