

  • Hi Everyone, Hope you all had a nice Labor Day Weekend. We are all on the mend and daughter went back to school today having been ill much of the later part of last week. Cool rainy weather here in the Buckeye State but so nice to have the cooler temperatures. Wishing you all a good day and rest of the week.
  • Hi Everyone, I have really enjoyed everyone sharing there experiences and history with diabetes. I got the result of my A1C and it was 8.7, higher than 3 months ago. With all the doctors on board and involved in my care and all I continue to log my food and activity and am confident we will collectively figure it out. I…
  • Pleased to meet you and Welcome to the group!
  • Hi, this is great you putting this on the table for discussion. I have been diabetic *type 2 for a year now. I've taken the classes, was placed on a 1700 calorie diet and I too count carbs and am insulin dependent. I eat between 30-45 carbs per meal, 15-30 per snack, making sure to have a protein and fat before bed to help…
  • Good Afternoon Everyone, Hope you are all doing well. Boy the storms here have been intense, and those along the coast are in my thoughts and prayers as everyone braces for the hurricane. Please keep them in your prayers as well. I can't imagine what they all must be feeling and worry for those unable to leave with no…
  • Hi Buckeyes, hope everyone is feeling good and doing well today. 4th day of my journey and I am feeling pretty good and satisfied with my choices. Activity has increased as well today and the weather is to thank primarily for that. Storms moved through quickly and really made for a nice cool evening. Wishing you all a…
  • Welcome former buckeyes, and one's now living in our beautiful state. Are we having great weather or What!!! I love it. My third day here and I am feeling great, logging food, trying to get some exercise into my routine and daughter started back to school today! Can't wait to hear all about it, as she should be home very…
  • Nice to meet you. Don't beat yourself up, I have been on a roller coaster for some time myself, but we can do this! Celebrate what you have accomplished, take it one meal at a time, one day at a time, and keep striving to go forward. You are never alone!! Welcome!
  • Awesome, great weight loss, keep up the good work, what an inspiration are for me :) Glad to have you join me. Welcome
  • Awesome, what part of Ohio are you from. Congrats on your weight loss (ticker), great to meet you and have us share our journeys together. Thank you.
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