KariShoe Member


  • Hi there - 35 and 15 pounds to lose .... moved somewhere that completely changed my lifestyle and it is really screwing up my body. Started going to the gym with better commitment but would love to have an accountability buddy (if you will take more than one). Mostly doing spin classes and going to the gym to do cardio.
  • Can I also join in? I'm going to add you all as well too. I have no friends yet. Thanks!
  • Good points made by all - but I really wasn't looking for people to motivate me to go to the gym - but looking for suggestions on workouts that ease myself back gym. I already know where my issues lie in looking for the motivations. So thanks to all who gave "workout" advice - I was at work so obviously couldn't work out…
  • I would love to hear some input from the group on Barbell squats vs. Squat racks. My problem with Barbell squats is that I can only lift the 40lb barbell over my head so that's the max I have been squatting. I bet I could go more but I am scared of the squat rack - I just finished 7A today - not sure if any of the other…
    in Stage 1 Comment by KariShoe May 2012
  • I am off to do workout 5B today - and I am still having so much trouble with Dead Lifts - especially after meathead at the gym told me I was going to hurt my back but didn't offer anyway to correct it. So now I am terrified of them -- UGH! Any suggestions for this problem?
    in Stage 1 Comment by KariShoe May 2012