jacknife76 Member


  • I have trouble with mapmyrun and Endomondo. I just drove my last run in the car and mapmyrun was off by 0.7 mile! I assumed it was my phone or signal-- when I run, the route on the map looks like I backtrack, run across the street, zigzag.... When I am running in a straight line. Tonight when I drove it, I used both apps…
  • Don't listen to the negativity! It only makes sense -- if you shouldn't/don't want to eat it, then it shouldn't be in your house. If you have trouble staying away from it, it shouldn't be in your house. If you don't want it in your house --- it shouldn't be in your house!!!! It's not to say you will never have a "bad" food…
  • Do you have access to a pool? You can do a lot of low-impact exercises in water. Oh and yoga. I have also found that Tai Chi (make sure its taught by a certified master) has helped my increase my balance, muscle tone and endurance. I also have a lot of pain from running. (mine is muscular, however). It has helped me a…