

  • yes ive lost 17 stone and im training fitness instructor and when we train we gain muscle and this turns into lean body weight... but you lose fat so your scales may go up slightly or stay the same but as long as your seeing results then its all good :).... i think body weight is too overated i think we should throw away…
  • ive lost 17 stone, i never counted calories until recently.. the smaller i get the harder it is to loose so im now watching calories as well as low fat as ive always done.. exercise plays a big part in it as well x
  • friend requests very welcome!!!! x
  • try billy blanks taebo workouts there are many levels im now on the advanced and i love it x
  • i would have listed it to kick boxing or boxercise maybe turbo jam .. its along that line... x
    in Tae Bo... Comment by Kiiradee April 2010
  • cant you call up the place and ask them for calorie details , many places cater for these requests nowadays :) x
  • cant add any more then whats been said but keep it up , ive lost 13 stone (not sure in lbs) and im going through a slow patch but i wont give up ... congrats on loosing so far x
  • MUSIC!!! by far music music music ... when i start to slack i start thinking gah im only letting myself down and the workout doesnt go on forever so i might as well make the most of it... the feeling that im in control of my life and my body makes me feel good and spurs me on and on...
  • im new to MFP and im going to join i want to say ill do at least 20 minutes on my wii fit or wii fitness games a day , i already do close to three hours of other cardio exercises a day so 20 minutes at least and ill be happy!