

  • I just started the 30 ds, and boy did it kick my butt!!! But I feel amazing right now, I didn't think I'd make it threw the whole thing because of my son(6 months old) but I put him in his saucer and he just smiled at my workout and my 5 yr old daughter joined in with me :) your results are amazing, I hope I start getting…
  • Thank you :) I was just telling one of my friends that I will take whatever i can get... I'm proud of my self,because last time I took diet pills and this time I'm doing it on my own, so I'm trying my hardest to stick with it... thank you again!
  • Okay I wasn't sure why it did that, thank you! And thank you, I have cheated here and there(having kids is hard not to while fixing them snack) and I was surprised I wasn't gaining.. which I've tried not to snack on their snacks whule making it but its hard for me because I love food...hehe... but I'm glad to hear that's a…
  • Thank you to all of you! You have. Most def. Helped me out! When I was doing my diet last time(after having my daughter) I allowed myself one cheat day and it was usually on fridays and I did pretty good! I started in jan. At 205 and by my birthday(march) I was down to 170 which I was pretty proud of.. but I kept working…
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