

  • I'm Becca (31) and I have 150lbs to lose. I am a mother of 4 boys who take after their skinny father, which makes things difficult sometimes. I'm looking for as many friends as I can to help motivate (kick my butt) and hold me accountable, and for me to help also. We can do this together.
  • Hi. My name is Becca and I am 31 with four boys and a husband. My oldest is 10 and my youngest is 2 1/2. I have wanted to lose weight for some time now and learn to lead a healthy lifestyle but I just can't seem to stay motivated. Here's hoping this time will be different. I'm ready to be able to play with my boys and not…
  • I had 3 c-sections and have the pouch too. That is one of my goals. Any suggestions are welcome from anyone who is conquering the pouch. lol
  • Thanks everyone for your help. I am a stay at home mom of 4 and babysit 2 more so for me it is finding the right time when i am not needed for something or someone. I am not giving up, I just have to find what is right for me.
    in Time Comment by rkennedy234 August 2011
  • Add me if you like. I am also looking for friends to motivate and be motivated by.