

  • Yaay, an open group !! NAME: Jennifer AGE: 31 HEIGHT: 5"6 START WEIGHT FOR CHALLENGE: 196 GOAL WEIGHT FOR CHALLENGE: 175 START PANTS SIZE: 16 (US) GOAL PANTS SIZE: 12 (US) FOLLOW ANY SPECIAL DIET: Counting calories on MFP DIET GOALS: To count everything i eat. EXERCISE ! FUN FACT : I use my twins as weights when i…
  • I didnt even notice it had carbs. It has 4 carbs...they should call it Vitamin Water 4
  • Hi, i am new to this website & not 100% on how everything works. Are you accepting new members into your group? I am a new mom to twin boys & looking for some motivation and support
  • Thank you for the encouragement, its really nice to have people to relate to ! I am going to try to walk the babies every that it isnt so hot out, i think the exersize will help ! I need to just stick with it...its so easy to fall off track. I stepped on the scale this morning and i had gained 7 lbs after i just…