

  • The fact is that not eating small meals throught the day does slow metabolism down. Think like this if considering metabolism is like a camp fire if no one puts wood on the fire the fire will burn very slow and go out. Metabolism is the same way if you eat 1300 cals all at once it will be like throwing gasoline on the fire…
  • Body fat % is the far most important measurement then any other way of telling if someone is fat,overwieght, or obese. I always ask people would you rather weigh 200 lbs and 8% body fat or 185 lbs and 25% body fat. Just remember BMI and weight are only a small part of the numbers the most inmportant is body fat %!
  • I have been doing P 90X for awhile add the cardo if you want to only on days that you are not doing a cardio training day!
  • What they think does not matter,as you are having a life style change, and if they are to blind to see it then it's on them. DO NOT CHANGE KEEPING DOING WHAT YOU ARE DOING. I have been eating this way for 9 years. The times I have went off eating right or what I call clean eating the next day I wake up with a food…