

  • I have the same problem. I get uo at 515 every morning, so I know I can but on days off, I can sleep 12 hours. I hate it! my days are wasted. I just can sleep at night when I work. i am up till 100 or 2 watchiing TV. I have decided its a habit. Get rid of TV, Make a relaxing enviroment before bedtime, Like u said. Have…
  • Hi All Spent the morning with my sister ,then worked out in the yard all afternoon. No Gym. A little sore from all the overdue raking. Amanda I am so sorry to hear about your brother. Your family will be in my thoughts. Glad your all keeping up with your classes! Today was a day off for me. Really needed one! Have a great…
  • Hi Everyone It took me awhile to find you all. Ive missed so many posts I cant read them all. I have not even been thinking about food or exersice ir dieting. I put my scales under the bed and now i am afraid to get on them. Things have been horrible for my family the past few weeks. I just haven't felt like posting. I…
  • Hi I tried the free sample . I did not know they small print about charging the card every month until I got the product. So I called my Credit card service. They had the number. I cancelled and had no problem. So I just paid the shipping of $1.95 Not sure if it'll help. I just started.