Jeray421 Member


  • you look absolutley amazing....i have quite a bit of weight to lose myself. you are an inspiration. If you dont mind me asking you dont seem to have a problem with lose skin (i know this can be common after weight loss). what is your secret?? this is one thing i am very worried about for myself
  • hello i have been a member of this site for a while but only recently started using the way it should be used. Its a great tool! 5 lbs in a week is excellent. good luck and keep up the good work!
  • 1.Hummus 2. Octopus 3. Oysters (pretty much any way you can cook them :)
  • ive definately been in better shape but never been what would considered thin...i am quite larger now than i used to be....i gained alot of weight when i had my daughter. And i agree....for once i would love to know what its like to be the "thin friend" in the group.
  • i only do a weigh in once a week. your body weight can fluctuate a little bit day to day so i find that doing it weekly gives me a better idea of actual weight loss
  • wow what an accomplishment congrats!
  • HI im originally from wilmington but i recently moved to the myrtle beach area....still carolina tho! Good luck i am new to MFP aswell....well i guess i shouldnt say new but finally serious about using it :) Hope to meet some new people and FINALLY get some weight off!