

  • Thank you j_g and hmo4 for the support! I finally tried "jogging" this morning. I wore my HRM and jogged long enough to get my heart rate up and then I would walk a little way and start jogging again when the HRM was beeping at me. I burned about 400 calories.
  • I am continuing to log the food. I worked out yesterday and have not worked exercise in today. I know the day is not over yet. I had another increase in my stress level today. I am happy to report that I have made good eating choices in situations where I would normally choose comfort foods. Please pray that I am able to…
  • Hang in there hmo4! I will pray for your full and complete recovery. Hey chickadee10, here are some of the things that I do to squeeze the cardio in to my day: jumping jacks jump rope (with or without the rope) jog in place dancing go for a walk (outdoors or at the mall) stair climbing (I recommend a building with a stair…
  • hmo4 and j_g4ever, you both are looking good. Your progress has made me re-think my snack plans for this afternoon....That Easter chocolate was looking really good. I have now logged my intake so far and I can't afford too much chocolate before dinner. I am thinking about giving jogging a try when the weather is more…
  • So, j_g4ever, how did the jog go??? I am a little sore from working out yesterday and I still managed to go for a walk today. I didn't eat breakfast so I need to make better choices for the rest of the day. I hope everyone else is doing well today. Go Blue team!
  • Welcome back watch48win. I don't think anyone gets "cut" from this team. I missed a couple of weeks too and my name was added back in when I started reported my numbers again. j_g4ever, you inspired me this morning. My spouse talked me out of exercising last night. Today, I read your post and was motivated to start moving…
  • I have a debate with myself every time I go to the grocery store for produce. I know that can peel and chop the carrots for a much lower price than the "baby carrots". However, I also know that these are extremely handy when I am pressed for time. Additionally, my family and I are more likely to grab the baby carrots for a…
  • I haven't had dinner yet and according to the log, I only have 79 calories left to eat. Oooops. It might help if I would start exercising again:happy: I still don't feel up to par.... However, if I take Jillian's quote to heart, I should be running. I think I will look for a compromise after dinner.
  • Keep up the good work Chrissy and Sanifrey! BTW, Sanifrey, I love your Jillian quote. With quotes like that in your head, you have to lose weight, right???
  • I have logged my food so far. Congrats to Rach for doing the same:smile: Congrats to hmo4 for getting out of bed. Be careful not to do too much too soon. I am feeling better today and slowly taking care of more items on the "to do" list than yesterday. I plan to add a little exercise to the routine before the end of the…
  • You guys are terrific! Thanks lcorrell14 for the wecome back. It does feel good to get things in order...when you can. Congrats, j_g on the weight loss, clean area, and partial HRM find. I am sure you will find that strap where you least expect it. Rach: We are all pulling for you. I must admit that I was super impressed…
  • I am glad to see that the Blue team still exists! Like several others, I have just had too much going on. I am setting a goal for myself to log on to the site atleast 1x per day and to record what I can recall for my calorie count. I have to start somewhere, right? Our house is a disaster and we recently discovered we need…
  • Hello Blue Team, It is good to see that our team still exsists and that our fearless statistician is still on the job. I was a little concerned when I didn't see a reminder email this week for the weigh in. I pray the health and well being of all our team members improves quickly. I haven't had much access to the computer…
  • I am so glad to hear you are home:happy: I am sure the group would agree that we have missed your posts.
  • Rach, you seem to be a bright and outgoing young woman. I am sure you will find a great job. I would think any accounting firm would want some extra help this time of year. If I were you, I would keep at my current job until something better comes along. I would also try finding or creating things for me to do in order to…
  • Thanks for the reminder. I was away from the computer yesterday and did log in the calories. I tried to make good choices for the most part. I don't think I will take the time to log everything for yesterday. I will do my best to make the next few days count:smile:
  • Yes, Walmart has it as does Target.
  • I got the impression it was designed with the idea that you spend 10 days at each level (3 levels = 30 days). However, Jillian states in level 1 that you should move on to the next level when you are ready. Level 1 was still killing me after 5 days.
  • I really didn't want to work out today. The kids have been sick this week. I didn't work out yesterday due to a multitude of EXCUSES (the outside temperature being one of them). So today, I forced myself to do it. Usually, I can push my way through and am glad that I worked out. Not so much today. My nose was running and I…
  • I was able to lose some weight this week, even though I took a couple of days off from exercising. I think it helped that I got my hair chopped off this week.
  • I am watching my sugar too. I have been trying to eat "clean" and that has helped some. There are several threads about clean eating, so check them out. I am finding that I still tend to go over the recommended limit on sugar even when I cut out the processed foods with sugar. I have been amazed to see the sugar content in…
  • I like your thinking! I wasn't able to fit a true workout in yesterday and I hope to make up for it before weigh in. On a more positive note, I did watch my intake more carefully yesterday so that I did not exceed recommended limits. Go Blue Team!
  • Cut the squash in half lenghtwise and place cut side down in a pan or baking dish and add some water to it. I pop mine in the microwave for about 5 minutes. The time varies depending on the size. I just keep checking it and nuking it again if needed. You could bake it too. After you get it soft and tender, use a fork and…
  • Hey Blue Team, Anyone want a cheap HRM? has one from Reebok for about $25 today only. I have ordered other items from them before without any problems. I don't know anything about this particular HRM so you might want to look for reviews before you decide. I know I have found more motivation having one. I love…
  • Waiting a day didn't help me. I am up 1/2 a pound from yesterday and I even did a last chance workout last night :smile: I know weight fluctuates and some days I retain more water than others. I usually only weigh myself every 2 weeks.
  • zahrab, I, too, tried the 30 day shred yesterday and hated EVERY minute of it. If my spouse hadn't challenged me, I definitely would have quit within a few minutes. I am sore today and really don't care to do that again...even if the workout is only 27 minutes. I had previously tried Taebo Cardio and intially had trouble…
  • Amazon has the Isokinetic brand for about $75.
  • I would definitely recommend the ball/chair combo over a ball by itself. You can see some reviews here and others appear to agree: We have various choices of seating at my work and the ball chairs are popular. I do know they are not…
  • GO Blue Team!
  • I gained weight with Slim Fast. I ended up eating my normal caloric intake PLUS the Slim Fast. I was hungry more often and craved food continually.