

  • I was there and would be lying if i said i am never there now...However for me, the best way i defeat my anxiety and overwhelmed feelings, i get on my treadmill or go for a walk outside. The release of endorphines is a big pick me upper! It is so hard and there are definitely days when id rather sit on the couch with ice…
  • Add me...id love to have some encouragement:smile: and accountability in my corner in the form of new friends! =D
  • welcome! where are you from? I have been here awhile but just getting started utilizing this service again! Good Luck!
  • Welcome...Good luck to you! This is day two for me into counting the calories and so far it has made me a bit more conscious of what I eat. my husband laughs at me but Im trying to take it all serious so i can also set a good example for my kids... I work out 4-5 times a week and that is probably the hardest part to stick…