

  • Hi Im a fitness enthusiasts and have just been told by dr. that my cortisol "STRESS" levels were high. This is why all my hard work in gym is not showing up on my body. Anyone have similiar story to share and if so have u seen any results?
  • One cheat meal is not going to ruin your whole plan. It is just a mindset. You can choose to admit you are human, and like all of us, you fall off the horse BUT you need to jump right back on tomorrow morning. Don't sabatoge all your hard work. If you ever have to go out to eat either make healthy choices or order chicken…
  • doesn't that feel great!!!!!! all your hard work is paying off. Remember there is no magic pill. The secrets are consistency, discipline and PATIENCE!!!! keep up the good work,
    in My BMI!!!! Comment by gege November 2008
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