

  • LOL. It sounds like allot, but its actually doable for her. I would try to break-down how much time you can crave out for fitness each day and/or week, then create a great fitness routine around it. But, I find it best to have a plan schedule, it can really help you stick to a goal :-)
  • My wife, just gave birth to our 2nd child about two months ago ;-) She's now focusing back on fitness. Currently, she's doing a full body circuit routine at home for 30 minutes/ 3x a week, then doing 40min elliptical/treadmill at the gym 3x a week (which is when I have the daddy duties). She mainly, does the circuit…
  • Yeah, try to switch up your routine. It can be as simple as adding more weight or change the order of your normal routine. I always change my entire program every 4 weeks. Also, try to perform some dropsets or even supersets. The theory is....after a while your muscles will quickly adapt and hit a plateau, therefore you…
  • Sure, just keep fueling your body. Remember, NFL Players have to do 2-a-day training during the off season, too. It's one of my secret weapons when cutting.
  • If your phone can download the Pandora will be all set. Download, Install, Type in your favorite artist, then start sweating :-)
  • I did my first 1/2 marathon last year and I loved! Ran the Miami Beach Halloween Half Marathon in Oct, then ran the Fort Lauderdale 13.1, two week later. I used the Hal Higdon training [] and it worked out great. I'm actually featured on this year's promo flyer for the 2011…